July 31, 2014

Cover Art 

"Stuck Together"
Mary Connealy

Tina Cahill is the sister of the pastor of Broken Wheel.  She too has strong standards and morals only she has a different way of sharing them with people.  She pickets.  Everyday at the same time she pickets outside the saloon.  She's convinced that that's the way to close it down, only no one seems to paying attention.  Or so she thinks.  

Vince Yates notices the very outspoken Tina Cahill, she's the prettiest girl he's ever seen, even if her causes are annoying.  Vince has earned the name of "Invincible Vince" because nothing ever stops him.  He's always the guy in charge and always knows what to do.  He's a born leader and nothing ever ruffles his feathers.  That is until his family comes to town.  His family that he doesn't get along with and that he hasn't seen in years.  His three friends are more of a family to him than his birth family.  They come full of surprises and he is having trouble coping with all of it.  

In the middle of having to deal with Tina's causes, his crazy family, being the only lawman, the Indian's threat to attack and much more, Vince has his plate full.  

Vince has been my favorite character from the beginning of this series.  He had a strong personality, always seemed to know what to do and was always the protector.  His personality seemed to dwindle some in this book though, kinda' like he lost himself, considering his situations throughout the book it's somewhat understandable.  

Tina's character really annoyed me at first.  But when she started taking care of Vince's mom, I liked her better.  Tina had a hard life wanted someone to love her, but she didn't want anyone to get close enough to do so.  

Both Vince and Tina must learn to trust God and let go of their fear.  They also must learn to trust each other and accept themselves for who they are.  

I like how all of the main characters from the previous books were included in this one.  Although I was hoping there would be a book four, but it doesn't appear that there will be one. :(

Trouble in Texas has been a wonderful series!  I think my favorite book was #1, "Swept Away". 

Read more about the book here.


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