July 14, 2014

Rival Hearts 
"Rival Hearts"
Tara Randel

Molly Henderson and Ben Weaver are rival magazine editors, but they work for the same publisher.  Molly is in charge of a magazine she designed called, "Quilter's Hearts".  Ben is responsible for "Outdoor Adventures.  Their boss, who possesses an unorthodox style of management, comes up with a competition between Molly and Ben.  The winner will be the editor of his newest magazine called, "American Legend".  The competition is to have Molly and Ben enter each others world.  Molly must learn to kayak and Ben to quilt.  Ben has to produce a well-made finished product and Molly a kayaking competition.  Molly is not the outdoorsy type and believes her seniority at the magazine should speak for itself.  Things get a little sneaky and underhanded as the competition heats up.  

Who will come out as the winner?  And will they give in to their attraction and fall in love?  Or is a position more important? 

"Rival Hearts is a different kind of book, but a different good.  It tells us a great deal of Molly's adventures when she was kayaking, but leaves us in the dark about Ben's try at quilting.  I was pleased with the unusual twist at the end.

Read more about the book here


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